donation hub

Every donation we receive is used to improve the lives of asylum seekers and ​refugees living in Blackburn with Darwen.

The donation amounts suggested show how we might spend your donation. Every ​donation, big or small, supports our charity.

Donate Button
Food donation box illustration

£4 = Weekly​ Food Box for 1​

£6 = Day ​Bus Tic​ket

Group of People Walked in Landscape Avatar Character

£250 = Nature ​Wellbeing Trip for up to ​15 people

£6 = Weekly Food ​Box for a Family

Food donation box illustration

£19 = Weekly ​Bus Pass

Student Uniform Icon

£30 = School ​Uniform for 1 ​child

£2500 = 4-Day ​Wellbeing ​Residential for up ​to 12 people

Bubble Hotel Illustration

£1 = 1 Activ​ity at ​the Leis​ure Cen​tre

Volly Beach Illustration

Copyright © 2023 ARC Blackburn. Registered Charity 1188910